The following is a comprehensive list of individuals and characters who have played a role on the MJ & BJ Morning Show and the MJ Morning Show in both its previous incarnation which ended in 2012 and from its current version on Q105. In no way is this list complete; however, it does contain most of the individuals who have been a part of the morning show over the years:
- Aaron {A-Train} (Jacksonville, FL producer)
- Aaron (St. Louis producer)
- Aaron the Intern (for one day, dropped name of another show)
- A.J. Springer (traffic)
- Alicia the Intern
- Allison (Fester’s wife)
- Ally (Tommy Chuck’s wife)
- Alyssa the Intern
- Amanda the Intern
- Angela the Intern
- Angie the Amazon Intern
- Anthony Sullivan (aka. Sully from Pitchmen)
- Ari (MJ’s cousin)
- Ashley the Intern
- Ben the Engineer
- Big Mike (St. Louis producer)
- Biggest Black Fan
- Bill Cole (aka. BBC – Big Bill Cole)
- Billy Bob the Intern
- Billy Mays
- Billy Mays III (aka. Young Billy Mays)
- Biscuit
- BJ Harris
- Bob (MJ’s agent)
- Bonnie (accounting)
- Brent Jowers (parody song contributor)
- Brett the Intern (aka. Dilbrett)
- Brooke the Intern
- Buck (Q105 video guy)
- Buckhead
- Buckweed
- Canice the Intern
- Carly the Intern
- Casey the African Grey Parrot (MJ’s bird in his office)
- Chip the Midget
- Chloe (MJ’s daughter)
- Chris the Intern (aka. Halito-Chris)
- Chris Brown the Intern
- Chrisie the Intern (C-Lo)
- Christina Cleavage the Intern
- Cody Mack (traffic)
- Coors Twins interns (Lindsey & Meagan)
- Courtney Bright (traffic)
- Courtney the Intern (early 2000s)
- Courtney the Intern (aka. Lady Gaga)
- Crystal the Intern
- Crystal the Intern (May 2011-?)
- Daisy Ash (traffic)
- Dan (Columbus, GA producer)
- Double Talkin’ Dan DiLoreto (Double-D)
- Dana (engineer)
- Dana the Intern
- Daphne the Intern
- Dave Legarreta, aka. The Gas Phantom (handyman)
- Dave Reinhart
- Dave the Dwarf
- David the Intern
- Death Pool Dave
- Deenie (Jackson, MS producer)
- Derek (executive producer)
- Diego (St. Louis production coordinator)
- DJ Goofy White Kid
- Don Richards, “The Puff Daddy”
- Double Talkin’ Doug Hammond (operations manager)
- Dr. Adams (plastic surgeon)
- Dr. Bob (general practitioner)
- Dr. Childers (dentist)
- Dr. Chuck (opthamologist)
- Dr. L (general practitioner)
- Drew (jingle producer from Pittsburgh)
- Drew (MJ’s brother)
- Drew Carey (look-alike)
- Dustin the Intern (aka. Sanjay Guptah)
- Ed (fill-in front desk secretary)
- Egghead the Intern
- Elena the Intern (aka. Jub-Jub)
- Eric Chase
- Erin the Intern (aka. Elton John)
- Evelisse the Intern
- Flunkie (aka. Tommy)
- Fred the Intern
- Froggy #1 (Horace)
- Froggy #2 (Michael)
- Gary (St. Louis producer)
- Gary (the safe man)
- Gary McHenry (traffic)
- Geoff (Atlanta producer)
- Gigantor the Intern (real name Melissa)
- Greg (MJ Fan Page webmaster)
- Gnarly Charlie
- Guido (webmaster)
- Gus from Chic-fil-A
- Hadley (Fester’s daughter)
- Hiccup Chick (Jennifer Mee)
- Holly the Intern
- Hoover
- Hurricane
- Jabberjaw the Intern (aka. Kim)
- Jack Harris
- Jacqueline the Intern
- James (Jacksonville, FL producer)
- Jamie Warriner (weather)
- Jamin the Intern
- Jason the Buffoon Boy
- Jay Forry (blind movie critic)
- Jeff the Intern
- Jennifer the Intern
- Jesse the Intern
- Jessica (Dave the Dwarf’s girlfriend)
- Jessica (Jacksonville, FL producer)
- Jessica the Albanian Intern
- Joan the Lotto Hoe
- Joany the Giant
- Joey (from Web department)
- Joey B
- John McMartin (chief engineer)
- John Winter (weather)
- Josh (Crazy Xbox lady’s son)
- Jule Tate (traffic)
- Julian (MJ’s son)
- Juliana the Intern
- Justin the Intern
- Kassidy the Intern
- Katie the Intern
- Katis the Intern
- Kay Long (news reporter/traffic)
- Kayla the Intern
- Kelly the Intern
- Kim (promotions dept.)
- Kristen the Intern
- Kristen the Intern #2 (aka. Rita Cosby)
- Kristi the Intern (had mole removed)
- Kristi the Intern #2 (aka. Kristi the Apprentice)
- Kyle “Coop” Cooper
- LaMosa the Intern
- Larry the Liquor Man
- Laura the Intern
- Laura (singer – “Villains”)
- Lauren the Intern
- Lauren the Crazy Xbox Lady
- Lawsuit Lady
- Lawsuit Man (Robert Parker from Deerfield Beach, FL)
- Leah the British Intern (aka. Scary Spice)
- LeBron or sometimes Lamar (Biscuit’s 37-year-old nephew)
- Lechar the Intern (aka. Rachel)
- Legally Blind Mike
- Leslie the Intern (from Israel)
- Lester the Lizard (Joey B’s house lizard)
- Lisa (BJ’s girlfriend)
- Lisa (Dave Reinhart’s/Dan DiLoreto’s secretary)
- Lisa (Froggy #1’s “92-year-old” wife)
- Lisa the Intern
- LJ the Intern
- Lunch Box
- Mace Michaels (weather)
- Matt the Cop
- Matt the Intern (aka. Totally Blind Matt, Blind as a Bat Matt)
- Maria Marsalas (the psychic, and her daughter Maribel)
- Maribel the Intern
- Marc Zallis (Q105 sales guy)
- Mark Anderson
- Mark Lance (traffic)
- Mark Maynor (from Monster Mix Productions)
- Mark the Shark
- Martin Giles
- Mary (front desk secretary)
- Mary Fran the Intern
- Mary the Bull-Dyke
- Meadow the Intern (aka. Kristen #2)
- Meatball (Froggy 2’s dog)
- Melissa (promotions dept.)
- Meredith (Jacksonville, FL producer)
- Michelle (MJ’s wife)
- Mike (producer in 1994)
- Mike Baker (from web dept.)
- Mike the Intern
- Mimi (Froggy 2’s dog)
- MJ Kelli
- Molena the Intern
- Mora the Explorer
- Morgan the Intern (aka. Morgan the Organ)
- Nalmo (had stomach stapled)
- Nando the Intern
- Natasha the Intern (aka. Natoesha)
- Nick (production assistant)
- Nick [aka. Meatball] (St. Louis producer)
- Nicki (Dave the Dwarf’s girlfriend)
- Nicole the Intern
- Noelia the Intern
- Noey the Intern
- Nora the Explorer
- P-Boy (executive producer)
- Paige the Intern
- Pat (frequent caller with unknown gender)
- Pat George (Q105 traffic guy)
- Paul Dellegatto (weather)
- Paul the Tow Truck Driver
- Perez Hilton
- Peter Cofield
- Popeye the Intern (Popeye’s Chicken manager’s relative)
- Puerto Rican Dee
- Rachel the Intern (aka. The Flying Tomato)
- Randy Myers (traffic)
- Rebecca the Intern
- Red Bull (Ryan’s lizard)
- Rhonda the Receptionist
- Richard (and wife Judith, Froggy’s crank call victims)
- Ricky the Intern
- Robert Pankau
- Robert the Crazy St. Louis Listener
- Rose the Intern
- Roxanne Wilder
- Russell Link (comptroller)
- Ryan (Hurricane Katrina survivor)
- Ryan the Intern (traffic coordinator & audio/sound effects fill-in)
- Sa’Brielle the Intern
- Sal (St. Louis producer)
- Sam the Intern (aka. Young Kramer)
- Samantha the Intern
- Sandra the Intern
- Sara (promotions dept.)
- Sarah the Crazy Eye Makeup Intern
- Scott (from IT department)
- Scott Bergosh (traffic)
- “Scuba” Steve the Auctioneer (Dave the Dwarf’s driver)
- ShamWow the Intern
- Sharon (BJ’s wife)
- Sharon the Intern, “Mike Tyson”
- Sharon Parker (news reporter)
- Singing Psychic (Fran Baskerville)
- Sid the Intern
- Sidney (Dave Legarreta’s son)
- Skankalicious (Hurricane’s girlfriend)
- Skunk Ape Man
- Snooki the Intern (real name Sarah)
- Stephanie the Intern
- Steve Hall
- Steve Jerve (weather)
- Steve the Intern
- Steve Triplett (VP/market manager of Beasley Media Group in Tampa which owns Q105)
- T.K. (Hoover’s wife)
- Tacoboy
- Tamara the Intern
- Taniya the Intern
- Ted (Q105 program director) (aka. Taniya Twain)
- Tedd Webb (sports)
- Thomas the Intern, aka. Thomas the Train or Fungus (because he wears fungus-laden beanies)
- Tiffany the Intern
- Tim Waters (Bill Clinton look-alike)
- Tom the Engineer
- Tom the Tree Man
- Tommy Chuck (aka. Tommy Schmuck – program director)
- Toni (St. Louis producer)
- Tony Monica “Lewinsky” (traffic)
- Tony Soprano (speak-alike)
- Tori the Intern
- Trish the Intern (aka. Trucker Trish)
- Uncle Fester (known as Moose in his early days on the show)
- Unitard the Intern
- Valerie the Intern
- Vicky the Intern (Hooters girl)
- Wacky Jackie
- Waldo
- Wes (Columbus, GA program director)
- Whammy Doctor
- White Chocolate (aka. SCK – St. Charles Killaz, white rappers)
- Yolanda (Human Resources)